Seminar on Research-Creation in Practice at School of Art, Design and Architecture. Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
Date: March 20, 2019
Time: 14:00
Location: Monash University, Melbourne

Stephanie will be giving a seminar on Research-Creation in Practice at the School of Art, Design and Architecture, Monash University.
Public Lecture on the ethics and politics of research-creation with diverse publics. University of New South Wales, School of the Arts and Media
Date: March 19, 2019
Time: 12:00
Location: School of Arts and Media, UNSW

Stephanie will deliver a public lecture on the ethics and politics of research-creation with diverse publics at University of New South Wales, School of the Arts and Media.
Walking Methodologies in a More-than-Human World. Seminar. Vitalities Lab, University of New South Wales
Date: March 18, 2019
Time: 12:00
Location: UNSW

Stephanie will be giving a seminar on Walking Methodologies in a More-than-Human World at the Vitalities Lab, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
Public Lecture on The ethics and politics of research-creation with diverse publics at University of Melbourne
Date: March 14, 2019
Time: 17:30
Location: Forum Theatre Arts West, North Wing, University of Melbourne

Stephanie will deliver a public lecture on The ethics and politics of research-creation with diverse publics at University of Melbourne.
Seminar on Social Practice and Pedagogy at Melbourne Graduate School of Education
Date: March 13, 2019
Time: 10:00
Location: University of Melbourne

Stephanie will be giving a seminar on Social Practice and Pedagogy at Melbourne Graduate School of Education.
The Four Publics Project: Possibilities for Harvard University: Learning in Socially-Engaged, Public Participatory, and Civic Art Forms
Start date: April 30, 2018
End date: December 31, 2018
Location: Harvard University

Stephanie has been invited to present at Harvard University’s Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study’s Four Publics Project and Seminar Series
Here’s the information on the event: There is a compelling, promising, but also challenging, pedagogical dimension to works of socially engaged, public participatory, and civic art. In some cases, these artists ask if their projects can—and actually do—provoke significant learning. Others may catalyze learning or practice nuanced pedagogical approaches to civic engagement without knowing it. In any case, the intersections of art and learning can be rigorously examined and vividly revealed as people encounter these works of art. What is the possible trajectory of these learning experiences? And what can artists, if committed to the pedagogical dimension of their work, do to extend and enrich that engagement? The Four Publics Project was founded to explore questions emerging at the intersection of four publics—public spaces, public art, public learning, and public life. Established out of work at Project Zero (PZ) and the Arts in Education (AIE) program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE), the project aims to understand and support the role of pedagogy in socially-engaged, public participatory, and civic arts forms. This workshop will bring together leading artists, designers, educators and cultivators of civic agency to explore the state of our collective understanding of learning with and through works of contemporary art in shared experiences and public spaces. Our primary focus will be on micro moments of initial engagement with these art works, how those moments might lead to deeper learning, and what it takes to increase the likelihood that both initial engagement and subsequent learning will take place.
Public Lecture at Concordia University
Date: December 3, 2018
Time: 14:00-16:00

Stephanie Springgay will deliver a public lecture ‘Walking Research-Creation as Queer Temporalities’ at the Centre for Sensory Studies at Concordia University.
Invited Lecture at Goldsmiths Methods Lab
Date: November 1, 2018
Location: Goldsmiths Deptford Town Hall

Dr. Springgay will be giving a Lecture at Goldsmiths in London, November 1st 2018.
Feminist scholars argue that we need research methods that break with ableist, racist, extractive and settler colonial logics, and instead focus on ones that are situated, relational, and ethical. As such researchers are urgently turning to new ways of doing research and taking action, including research-creation methodologies that are responsive to the needs of communities, and support a practice of conducting research that is accountable to how bodies and places are entangled. Research-creation combines artistic and scholarly research practices, and names a set of methodological innovations into what counts as scholarly research. This seminar will emphasize the importance of feminist, anti-racist, and anti-colonial research frameworks, influenced by feminist new materialisms, feminist posthumanisms, queer theory, and affect theory. To contextualize these situated and relational ways of doing research a number of case studies/exemplifications with diverse publics and communities will be shared.
Date: April 15, 2018
Time: 2:45pm
Location: New York

Stephanie Springgay and Sarah E. Truman (WalkingLab), and colleagues Kimberly Powell, Margaret Somerville, and Michael Gallagher will present on a symposium in the Qualitative Research Sig entitled Walking Methodologies in a More-Than-Human World.
Indelible Refusal
Start date: February 27, 2018
End date: March 7, 2018

This series of public lectures, panel discussions, film screenings, workshops, artistic walking interventions, performances, and master classes aim to actively engage in pedagogies of refusal and solidarity. The program aims to walk-with and think-with Indigenous, Black, 2 spirit, queer and trans artists and scholars to work through concepts related to land, settler colonialism, slavery, erasure, violence, and refusal.
This event has been funded through the Jackman Humanities Institute, The Centre for Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies, University of Toronto, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto, Sexual Diversity Studies University of Toronto, The Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Toronto, and the Centre for Indigenous Studies, University of Toronto, and WalkingLab.
Organized by: Stephanie Springgay, Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, OISE; V.K. Preston, FAS Drama, Theatre & Performance Studies, University of Toronto.
Click here for schedule of events: